For the only the second time in 183 events over the past 5 years nobody came today, or it was just me. With a very dirty area in front of me, I took a stab at it, and collected 26 bags of trash. Through past experience when cleaning up a trash pile next to a homeless camp, 1 person can fill about 12 bags a trash per hour when basically just shoving it in without moving. So, 26 bags over 3 hours was not far off that maximum 12 per hour. That’s how dirty this area was. There was a lot of sodai gomi too, but without the manpower to move it, I just left it there for next time. It was all I could do to just move those trash bags. There is still a lot of trash to collect at that location, so there should be more Tamagawa events in early 2023.
Tamagawa clean up Dec 18, 2022