On Monday, Tokyo River Friends hosted a clean-up event on the Edgogawa River for students from Castlemont High School in Deep East Oakland. Twenty students and three teachers came to Japan for four days under a program by Pacific Bridge Club (PBC), a nonprofit organization that provides an after school pathway program where the focus is on teen exploration, skill development, cultural enrichment and community service by providing students with life changing experiences through volunteerism, career planning, world cultures and international travel. Encountering so many young people full of exuberance and positivity was inspirational. It was really a great group of kids. The cleaning area was not superdirty, so there was a lot of picking up small items and digging things out of the mud for a total of 15 total bags collected. The kids made a great effort and this area continues to get cleaner.
Edogawa River clean up April 1, 2024