Arakawa River Clean Up today on the Nakagawa island next to the Tozai Line. Ten volunteers (5 Japanese, 1 Briton, 1 Scotsman, 1 Peruvian, 1 Malaysian and 1 American) collected 86 bags of trash. There was a mid-day lunch with bentos under the the C2 highway overlooking
the river. The Tozai Line b
ridge is in the back
ground of many of the photos. We were aiming to reach 100 bags but ran out of daylight. The reeds had taken over much of the area so were were mostly limited to cleaning a concrete pathway near the waterline. But still a productive outing today. Barely visible in the last picture are a couple of cats who live on the river. One of their caretakers told me there used to be about 20 cats living there 15 years ago but now there are only 4 remaining
Arakawa River Clean Up – Nishi Kasai – 86 bags