In the second event of this doubleheader weekend, 13+ of us got together at the foot of Kasai Bashi bridge.
Arakawa regulars welcomed 2 of first timers, and the group of people from Pandawara group of influencers of Indonesia. This group does great eco-warriors acts at their local rivers as well as places they travel to. This time they decided to join us during their Japan trip, and 5 of Pandawara members worked with us for collecting trashes between grown grasses, while other members were filming their work.
It was not easy to push down the grass to walk into the river bed especially after the area becomes muddy with tide. Also digging trash out from the mud in between the grass was hard too. It made us so exhausted! So the result of actual bags of 12 is much less than usual, but it was a good wrap up for this area. Thank you all for coming today! Terima kasih, team pandawara!