Seven volunteers braved the heat for Sunday’s Arakawa River clean up event at Funabori and collected 41 bags. With cool breezes blowing strongly from Tokyo Bay and rivers on each side, the elevated shade under the C2 highway must have been the coolest place in all of Tokyo. There were some cool breezes while collecting trash too, but collection time was limited to 25min, 30min, and 1 hour with breaks in the shade. The sun/heat limited time for collection including being pushed out by the rising tide toward the end, so it was a tough 41 bags to collect and a great effort by everyone to achieve this. Minasan otsukaresama! This past weekend also saw the debut of our recruitment poster, which can be seen in the last photo. We will begin taping this to our bags each time so that passersby who are interested in this activity will know how to join us. Special thanks to Reiko Mizui for writing the original and Kiyoko Tanaka for revising it and preparing the layout.
Arakawa River clean up July 16, 2023