This is a double-header weekend – Day one completed yesterday with a good results in both numbers of bags collected and eco-warriors worked together at Nishi Kasai. It was a perfect day to work at the river, and thanks to grass cutter team, work area was easy to step in. Tide was low at the beginning but soon the area became muddy, so we had to tackle with mud when we dig trash out. We were a good mix of 16 people – besides of Arakawa Regulars, we had a world-traveler from LA, ocean clean up experts from Izu area, folks who decided to join us again, and the group from a school working with us as their field work. Actual bag collected was 59, with approx. 10+ bags of Big Stuff including a rotten bicycles. Great work, everyone!
Arakawa River clean up Jan 27, 2024