TRF started 2025 with a bang yesterday. Eighteen volunteers collected 40 bags of trash. We worked on the last section of pods between the Tozai Line bridge and Tokyo Bay. I’ve lost count but after about 30-40 clean ups of this section over the past 4-5 years, the pickings have gotten slim. Without a very dirty area, participants spread out to find small patches of trash around the edges as well as taking small items in the center. Thank you everyone for a great effort with a big result and getting us off to a good start in the New Year. The 5th, 6th and 7th photos are from the Kiyosuna Bridge the following day as well a a photo from the Keiyo Line bridge while I was commuting to work the next day. The red circle is the location of our trash bags.
Arakawa River clean up Jan 05, 2025