TRF hosted a special event with 160 middle school students and 16 teachers from Aoba-Japan International School, led by myself and David and Miki Howenstein or 179 people in total, who collected 47 bags of trash. We cleaned the backside of the island under the C2 facing the boat races. With a cleaning distance of about 1km, we Divided 13 sections of highway columns into 13 groups, the students were very enthusiastic and it was a good opportunity for them to learn about volunteering and the need to clean our rivers. I was requested not to post any photos with student faces, so I’m bit limited in the photos that can be posted. Our Friday and Saturday totals 47 + 42 bags pushed TRF over 2,000 bags for 2024 or 2002 bags total now with 4 more events to go this year.